NewspAPEr — edition 1

4 min readMar 6, 2023


For friends of tangled colorful lines. Facts only, No hype, No financial advice, DegenZ only.

Release date: February 24, 2023

Highlights & Floor

After the floor price has risen sharply in recent weeks (from 4.4 GI to over 9.4 GI), we are now in the necessary consolidation. All cryptos used here (IOTA, SMR and BTC) are also in a consolidation (hopefully) or correction (hopefully not, we had them).

By the way, the floor in SRM is currently 24,289 SRM. We should slowly get comfortable with these numbers. Hopefully soon we will change the network and then will probably be traded essentially in SMR and of course in APEin.

Highlights so far:
February 3
ATH — Floor 9,440 MI
February 20:
ATH Floor $ 2,276
ATH Treasury $ 80,023


So far there have been 3 phases. The first phase from July to the end of September 2022, the Apes have performed slightly worse than MIOTA. Then from the end of September there was a small jump into positive territory, which lasted until the end of 2022 and was very constant. During this time, the floor did not move significantly. In early 2023, along with the current recovery of IOTA, the Apes started to perform much better than MIOTA, SRM and BTC.

The numbers in detail:
Apes vs. IOTA: +124.72%
Apes vs. SMR: +102.28% (since 10/11/2022)
Apes vs. BTC: +74.92%

This chart evaluates the historical data for APE-Floor, SMR, IOTA and BTC and relates the performance to APE-Floor. An investment of $1,000 on 06/30/2022 is assumed. SRM was added on 10/11/2022. ($1,000). The thin lines (left scale) represents the value of the originally invested $ 1,000 and the thick lines the performance (right scale) of Ape-Floor against IOTA, SRM and BTC.


The “Multi” shown here in the chart results from the value of the treasury / number of votes (OG-Apes -> 1074). This ratio is known from shares and is a little bit comparable with the P/E — ratio.

Up to now, the treasury is only the income of the OG-sale and the fees of the trades (10%).

Therefore, today this value has no real significance about the performance of Ape-DAO. Only when the funds of the treasury are managed and profits / losses (never) arise, we will see in which direction our journey goes.

At the peak we have reached the value of 35. This already seems quite high.

Tesla is at approx. 31 (in anticipation of 2025 earnings). The current decline could therefore be regarded as rather healthy. After all, we don’t build cars. We are dealing with Apes and I’ve failed to find a P/E for zoos.

With each sale through the marketplace, the Multi-Value drops a little bit. Of course, even if the floor falls. In the meantime, we have reached 27.66.

Behind the scenes

“Alpha Rho” has discovered a new hobby for himself. He is redesigning the ApeDAO website and tons of changes are being made. He also continues to develop the presences on Discord (e.g. roles), and Really hard working fellow.

Here is a snippet.

“enemigo” and “FlyingKing” are working tirelessly on new features. It is amazing to see how much voluntary work they put into this project. Without them, we’d be pretty much stuck.

The SC’s for trading OG Apes, APEin — Token and Lil’ Apes have been completed and successfully verified by HashEx. As soon as EVM starts and the contracts are published, HashEx will check them again (if they are the ones they have checked) and then officially mention the result on their website.

All of us at ApeDAO and many other projects are at least waiting for the public beta of EVM. In the meantime, we are at the 11th Alpha version. The new versions are released in a very fast order.

There are 2 possibilities: Either there are still so many bugs that this is necessary, or these are the last polishes.

Made with ❤️ by Travetown.




We are a small joint-investment DAO in which a randomly-generated Ape NFT makes you a DAO participant.