NewspAPEr — edition 5

6 min readApr 7, 2023


For friends of tangled colorful lines. Facts only, No hype, No financial advice, DegenZ only.

Latest News

Shimmer EVM -Testnet

Finally, the official test network was published. Now it goes into the next round. Test, test, test.

We have of course also published the Smart Contracts on the test network and are checking everything again. So far, we have only done the testing on the Fantom — Test Network. Now we are finally at home.

Let’s hope we don’t get kicked out (breaking change — network reset).

We minted all Lil’ Apes on the Shimmer EVM Testnet and used the current snapshot to airdrop the OG Apes to their respective owners. Additionally, some liquidity was added on the ShimmerSea DEX so that APEin can be swapped for SMR.

On April 3, the test was released at Together with the new DEX the whole process could be tested with the trading of OG and Lil’ Apes. In the first few days, contract execution was a bit slow. This was due to a debugging by the developers. Apparently, they found the bug and now the network is extremely fast. Comparable to the Layer 1 Shimmer network.

The Banana NFT

The new “Banana NFT” was born. They turned out nice and fun. I would never have thought that you can also do something like this with bananas. In total, there will be only 1,111 Banana NFTs. For collectors and, of course, something all ape lovers will be interested in. Everyone was only allowed to mint one Banana NFT.

In the whitelist were all OG-Ape holders (snapshot taken before announcement). To DegenZ: Too late to distribute your wallets. All of them received the Banana Award, which can also be seen in the Firefly Wallet. For the next 10 years, we have no way to move this award. That is really a very long time. I need to mention this thing in my testament to be on the safe side. As it may be known, I’m the Methuselah of the community. Additional information: The Banana NFT has no voting rights within ApeDAO. So, the OG and Lil’ Apes are not diluted in any way.


Some diagrams have been slightly revised and some a little bit more. For example, where it makes sense, the current value is additionally displayed as a number. A bearing to the left or right is no longer required. So, no more fingerprints on the display.


After I announced in the last NewspAPEr that the future calculations of the Floor for OG and Lil’ Apes will be done via the APEin token, it is now possible to merge both charts. The price of 100 APEin for a Lil’ Ape and 500 APEin for an OG always remains identical. This means that there is always a direct reference to the rate of APEin. Because there is no market for Lil’ Apes and APEin, the current floor for an OG Apes is divided by 500 and all other data is derived.

There will now be one chart each for Floor MIOTA, SMR and $.

On the left side is the scale for the OG Apes and on the right side the scale for Lil’ Apes. The integration of Lil’ Apes prices is, of course, only theoretical. The little guys aren’t born yet. They can already be admired in the test environment.

Little hint: If you divide the values of the Lil’ Apes on the right scale by 100, you get the value of an APEin in SMR, MIOTA and $. For this reason, there are no APEin charts. Incredibly smart, right? In addition, it trains the brain.

Ape floor SMR
Ape floor MIOTA
Ape floor $


The bad news first. The trading pair MIOTA / BTC managed to create a new all-time low of 723 sat on March 27 (Binance). 1 BTC equal 138 GI … phew

In the meantime, the ratio has improved again. No one really needs to say that we are not brave.

The numbers in detail:

OG Apes vs. SMR: + 109% (Start October 11, 2022)
OG Apes vs. MIOTA: + 119% (Start July 1, 2022)
OG Apes vs. BTC: + 30% (Start July 1, 2022)

Performance since the last NewspAPEr on March 24:

SMR: +16.3%
MIOTA: +5.0%
BTC: -0.9%

At the same performance as the OG Apes, the cryptos should be at the following prices:

SMR: $ 0.1476
MIOTA: $ 0.4980
BTC: $ 36,522


March 26: Alpha swapped 7.000 MI in 26.607 SMR. Ratio 1:3,801
A total of 42.000 MIOTA were swapped into 150.921 SMR in recent weeks. This corresponds to a rate of 1:3,59.

Compared to the last NewspAPEr on March 24, the value of the treasury has performed quite well in the last two weeks. From $ 72.6k to $ 78.8k (+ 8,5%).

Chart updates

The second treasury chart has been extended with an embedded chart showing the distribution of individual tokens ($ and %) in the treasury.

Multi according to the current treasury-value

15 -> 4.8 GI / 16.0 kSMR
20 -> 6.5 GI / 20.8 kSMR
25 -> 8.1 GI / 26.0 kSMR
30 -> 9.7 GI / 31.2 kSMR

Behind the scenes

The ApeDAO App is constantly being optimised and prepared for the real launch.

The function to directly buy OG or Lil’ Apes with SMR is not implemented yet.

For those of you who are now setting out to laboriously determine the rarity for Lil’ Apes, here’s a tip: The Lil’ Apes in the test network do not correspond to the Lil’ Apes available later in the production network.

Unfortunately, there is no concrete information yet about how our apes will get onto the EVM network. However, there is a possibility that the IF and Soonaverse development team will agree to our requests for certain enhancements and then we can easily transfer the OG Apes on Soonaverse to the Shimmer — network. Then we have the option to send them to the EVM — network via Firefly.

Right now, there is no rush, and we certainly have some time. In any case, there will be no hasty decision that we might regret later.

FlyingKing along with Alpha and Timothy are working tirelessly on the trade and listing display in Discord. Sometimes it looks good. Sometimes it doesn’t. That’s the way it is with development. I don’t know which of the three is more productive. Anyone who doesn’t know Timothy should ask in the Discord.

The first tests with Snapshot ( were performed. Through this platform it will be possible to make votes that consider the different weighting of the OG (5 votes) and Lil’ Apes (1 vote). Once the Apes live on Layer 2 (EVM), this feature can then be used to vote on proposals. To vote or create proposals, you must log in with your ETH — address, where your test L2-Apes are located. Usually, this is your Soonaverse account.

Currently I’m preparing a gorgeous new chart that will show the circulation of OG, Lil’ Apes, APEin and voting power. This will then become an interesting overview of the demand for the new Lil’ Apes.

The next NewspAPEr #6 is planned for April 21.

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We are a small joint-investment DAO in which a randomly-generated Ape NFT makes you a DAO participant.