NewspAPEr — edition 6

5 min readApr 21, 2023


For friends of tangled colorful lines. Facts only, No hype, No financial advice, DegenZ only.

Latest News

On April 7, Alpha released a very interesting YouTube video that is informative for those who are new to EVM. -> DeFi Workshop. It is essentially about the correct handling of MetaMask, and which security measures make sense. Some apps and their functions are also shown by means of examples. Of course, also ApeDAO App.

The function to buy OG and Lil’ Apes on ApeDAO for SMR has been implemented. The purchase is handled via ShimmerSea. So, it is no longer necessary to buy APEin on ShimmerSea first if you want to buy an Ape.
But also on this way SMR is changed to APEin first and then the Ape is bought with the APEin. So, it is not a bypass of APEin and therefore a dilution of the Apes.

Unfortunately, the course for the pair SMR / APEin have become extremely high, so it is hardly possible to test. Very unfortunate that some only collect or otherwise use the APEin. So, this was not actually planned.

But nevertheless: The hammer and the filler are back on the shelf, and now comes the sanding and then the high gloss polishing. The Lil’ Apes still must be bathed afterwards and some of them should also go to the hairdresser.

April 16 was THE day. ApeDAO celebrates its first birthday. In this time ApeDAO has evolved from an announcement of a project with an NFT sale to an ongoing project, which especially since EVM is available makes very great progress. An incredible amount of energy was put in by the developers to be ready to go with the launch of EVM MainNet.

There is work to be done and we are still looking for volunteers who are willing to help with the development. There are still a lot of ideas that are still on hold or being examined.

However, the most important step for now is the launch of Lil’ Apes and APEin.


The floor has been very stable over the last 2 weeks and has only moved between 7800 and 7900 MIOTA.

It was to be expected that we would see a wave of sales after 16 April. After ApeDAO’s birthday, many Apes born (and held) on the first day are also exempt from tax on sale in many countries. Although sales offers have increased, the ground has remained stable so far. But we will only see how this plays out in the coming weeks.

So, the floor is as you would expect in real life. Smooth and without big bumps or dents. Maybe we’ll find a little ramp soon. Hopefully upwards.


In the last NewspAPEr I wrote about the low in the IOTA/BTC pair. We have made it! A new low on April 19 with 701 sat/MIOTA. No further comment.

Performance since the last NewspAPEr on April 7:

SMR: -14,1%
MIOTA: -8,4%
BTC: +0,7%

At the same performance as the OG Apes, the cryptos should be at the following prices:

SMR: $ 0,1369
MIOTA: $ 0,4618
BTC: $ 33.866


The last few days have cost us a lot. Compared to the last NewspAPEr on April 7, the value of the treasury has not performed very well in the last two weeks. From $ 78,8k to $ 72,1 ( -8,5% ).

The numbers in detail:

OG Apes vs. SMR: + 125% (Start October 11, 2022)
OG Apes vs. MIOTA: + 121% (Start July 1, 2022)
OG Apes vs. BTC: + 19,9% (Start July 1, 2022) This guy is chasing Apes.

Multi according to the current treasury-value

15 -> 4,8 GI / 16,6 kSMR
20 -> 6,5 GI / 22,1 kSMR
25 -> 8,1 GI / 27,7 kSMR
30 -> 9,7 GI / 33,2 kSMR

Actual 24,48

Behind the scenes

ApeDAO was able to achieve the integration of the ShimmerEVM Testnet into The team was very quick and put the request into action within a few hours. With this tool, the permissions to move tokens and NFT’s in a smart contract can be checked and revoked. These functions are very helpful and help to monitor your account. Permissions that are no longer needed should always be revoked.

Unfortunately, the ShimmerEVM block explorer, Blockscout, still has a few problems so that the display within is not always correct. We hope that the IF developers will be able to fix this soon.

Some will have noticed that the column “Authorized Spender” only consists of a contract address, and it is not immediately recognizable which SC it is. In MainNet, we will describe the contracts for and label them so that it is much better recognisable on which platform and SC the permission was granted.

There are more useful apps that increase the security of transactions. For example, pocket universe and wallet guard. Maybe we can use them later too.

We are currently waiting for a multisig solution for the treasury and are relying on the announced solution from servrox. This is an extremely important step, as only then can we truly be a DAO.

As soon as this has been tested and audited very well, the access to the values in the treasury will be transferred to the community. More details -> ApeDAO — Info

The next NewspAPEr #7 is planned for May 5.

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Written by ApeDAO

We are a small joint-investment DAO in which a randomly-generated Ape NFT makes you a DAO participant.

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